This part of the website is dedicated to my thoughts on running the website, anything really LazyTown related. No filler, all honesty, and every single itty bitty post will be deleted next year. All the posts you see on this page will be gone by January 10, 2025.

Anyways, enjoy my really random rantings. GetLazy!

Website rebranding - May 16

If you visited this website before I completely deleted it and replaced everything with an under construction page, you may have noticed.. it looked ugly. Really ugly.

Yeah, so it didn't look that bad but there were a lot of parts I wasn't proud of such as using the About Me page as an excuse to make a Jackie Chan fan-page. This stuff is ONLY for LazyTown stuff.

I also didn't really like the old Aero backgrounds I used. That's why I used the LazyTown sky background from the official website in 2012. The official logo of the magazine is now on every page.

Most of the wonky frames and textboxes take inspiration from the LazyTown Live On Stage site back when it was online in 2016. I really like that site, because since the LazyTown Library wasn't accessible to fans when it was online until 2015, we couldn't use official wonky frames. Then the LTLOS site just gives them to us in the transparent form, originally! TADAAA!!!

Anyways, I hope you like the new look.

Magnus Scheving Owns LazyTown Again - May 16

I am so happy.

Magnus Scheving bought the rights from Warner Brothers just yesterday, May 15. And he owns the show again after he originally retired from the CEO role ten years ago.

But now, he bought them back, and he is hoping to get LazyTown back on TV again. What does this mean? Maybe the novelty days of seeing the show on your screen will come back? New DVD releases? An animated film?

I know nothing, but Magnus probably has a lot in store. Magnus has wanted to bring the show back for a while, and this is a stepping stone to success.

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